How To Grow Seedlings Of Phlox Drummond

How To Grow Seedlings Of Phlox Drummond
How To Grow Seedlings Of Phlox Drummond

Drummond's phlox is the only one of the large phlox family that is grown as an annual crop. He has a wide variety of colors, plant heights, long flowering. Phloxes will always be appropriate in a mixborder, in ribbons-borders, in creating bright spots in flower beds.

How to grow seedlings of phlox drummond
How to grow seedlings of phlox drummond

How to sow seeds?

Sowing of annual phlox is carried out for seedlings in March - April. The seeds are small, about 2, 5-3 mm in size, so they will be sown superficially, lightly sprinkling them with earth or vermiculite. The potting mix can be prepared by yourself or bought ready-made in the store. The main thing is that it is not heavy, it passes water well. In order to avoid fungal diseases, the soil mixture is spilled in advance with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of phytosporin. Allow a little air so that the seeds lay in moist soil, and not in a "swamp". Seeds sprout in the dark. Seedlings appear on average from 5 to 12 days. Newly appeared seedlings need good illumination, low temperature (15-18 ° C) and moderate watering.

How to care for seedlings?

The grown seedlings dive after 15-20 days. The main point in growing phlox is moderate watering of "babies". Overflow provokes the appearance of root rot. And phloxes are very sensitive to excess moisture in the soil.

Top dressing can be given a week after the dive of the seedlings. Use an aqueous solution of nitrogen fertilizer for growth. Then, after 7-14 days, depending on the state of the plants, they are fed with a complex fertilizer, dissolving it in water. Fertilizers such as solution, uniflor growth, luxury fertika are suitable.

When to plant seedlings in a flower garden?

Frummond's phlox is a light-loving, thermophilic plant. Loose, fertilized, sufficiently moist and warmed up by the sun are desirable for him. Seedlings can be planted in May. Phloxes are not afraid of light spring frosts. Plants are planted at a distance of 12-30 cm from each other, depending on the height and habit. Low-growing varieties by the time of planting in May may already have buds. Tall varieties will bloom in June.

Features of plant care.

Phlox are a little whimsical plants. But flowers do not like prolonged rainy weather. With the onset of the summer heat, phloxes need watering. For long-term flowering, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences. For better bushiness and compactness, the tops of plants are pinched. Phloxes delight with their flowering for 2, 5-3 months.
