Charming and very unpretentious pansy flowers are loved by many gardeners. Someone grows them for soil cover, someone as an independent flower that adorns the ridge from early spring to late autumn.

Pansies are a gorgeous, unpretentious plant. It is called in another way - viola. Belongs to the violet family, grows, as a rule, one to two years. It reaches a height of about 15-20 centimeters. It blooms at any warm time as single flowers of violet-blue color with various shades.
Unpretentious charm
This herb is a relatively early crop and is in great demand among gardeners. As a rule, viola is grown to give an elegant look to your own garden, as well as to decorate sidewalks and playgrounds. Often these flowers can be found on the flights of stairs. As for the varieties, there are many of them, basically all of them are hybrids of violets.
The most popular in floriculture is the tricolor viola.
Breeding seedlings
Pansies are propagated by sowing seeds or by cuttings. Usually, in order to get flowering at a certain time, the seeds are sown at the right time. If you grow the plant as a biennial, then no seedlings are required for this. Initially, in the summer, seeds are sown on temporary ridges, then, closer to autumn, the emerging seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place and only after a year the viola will bloom.
To get flowering from a plant in one year, you need to take care of the seedlings in advance. For this, the seeds are sown at home and planted in specially prepared boxes.
When sowing, the soil in the boxes must be moist. Seeds are rarely covered and covered with a thin layer of earth. After the box is removed to a dark place in the greenhouse (room).
As soon as the first shoots appear, the room temperature should be reduced to 10 ° C and the plants should be exposed to sunlight. As a rule, this procedure is performed in the winter, and the seedlings grown in the greenhouse are planted in the flowerbed in the spring, thereby ensuring summer flowering.
Many gardeners note that, unlike biennials, plants grown in this way are larger in size, bloom more abundantly and last longer. It is best to plant pansies in sunny places, but, nevertheless, a slight darkening will not hurt.
If the season is too dry, the plant needs regular watering, otherwise the flowers will begin to shrink.
To make blooming pleasing to the eye all summer, it is recommended to pinch off those flowers that have already wilted, this greatly prolongs the durability of all flowers.
Viola can be transplanted from place to place in any condition, even during the flowering period, which is undoubtedly a big plus. This is especially convenient for long-term home cultivation with subsequent planting in the ground.