Shorts are one of the bright and seductive pieces of women's wardrobe. Sewing them is within the power of a representative of the weaker sex, who is very far from needlework. This is because sometimes shorts do not even require a pattern.

The easiest way to make shorts
Shorts can be easily made from old pants. No pattern is needed for this, because you already have a product that you just need to shorten. To do this, you will need a tape measure, a long ruler, chalk, and sewing supplies.
Start by washing, drying and ironing your pants. Ironing the "arrows" is not necessary. Measure the same distances along the side seams from the bottom of the legs. Use a ruler to draw lines for the bottom. Do not forget to leave machining allowances. After that, you can carefully trim the legs. By the way, if you redo jeans in this way, the bottom can be dissolved with a fringe. Moreover, in recent years, such decor is popular.
If you are sewing shorts from trousers, fold in the seam allowances by 0.5 and 2 cm on the wrong side, baste them and sew them on a typewriter or by hand. The shorts that fit you perfectly are ready! Thus, you can give a second life to old boring trousers, pants or jeans.
Jeans are most often altered in this way, but it is also suitable for trousers made of cotton, woolen and synthetic fabrics.
Patternless shorts: a step-by-step guide
Sewing beautiful shorts in literally an hour and at the same time without a pattern is a very real task. To do this, you first need to make a simple sketch in order to decide how much future shorts should be free. To do this, you will need to take several measurements: waist, hips, and the length of the shorts.
After that, you should take cardboard or thick paper. On it you need to draw a rectangle, one side of which is equal to the length of the product, and the other - to the half-girth of the hips, multiplied by 1, 5. Now you should cut out a rectangle, leaving allowances for seams on all sides. On one of the long sides, it is 2.5 cm, on all the rest - 0.7-1 cm (depending on the fabric). Then cut out a second rectangle of the same size.
Blanks can be cut at the same time by folding the fabric in half. The length of the product should be located along the fractional length.
Now collect the shorts and gently sweep them, then sew the crotch seams. You should have two halves of the product. Turn one inside out, the other should be right side out. Insert the second into the first, aligning the cuts of the front and back seams. Sweep the seams and sew.
Finish the top of the product - sew an elastic tape, having previously sewn it into a ring. The elastic can be either in the tone of the fabric or in contrast. In the second case, you can lay a finishing line in the same color along the rest of the seams. In the last step, fold and hem the legs. Original shorts without a pattern are ready!
It is worth noting that it is better to choose the material for shorts that is opaque, but lightweight and well draped, like knitwear. You will also need a wide elastic band. These shorts can be cut directly on the fabric.