Did you know that you can grow a beautiful house palm from a date stone? By the way, a palm tree can be grown not only from the stone of a fresh date, but also from dried fruit!

Date stone must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp, rinsed, and then soaked in warm water for a couple of days. Please note that the hard bone must be cut, chipped or rubbed with sandpaper so that the water gets inside faster and the germination process begins.
After soaking, the date bone should be planted in a small pot. The soil is suitable universal, which is recommended for most indoor plants. Before planting, the soil in the pot must be thoroughly moistened. Put the date in the pot in a warm place, water as it dries.
After 1-3 months, a small plant should be transplanted into a larger pot. Be extremely careful as the plant is very vulnerable. When replanting, simply gently transfer the small date palm along with the clod and add soil around the edges.
Since the date palm is a southern plant, place it in a well-lit area. It is desirable that the light is bright, but diffused (block direct sunlight, for example, with sheets of paper, chintz curtains).
In summer, the date palm can be displayed on the balcony or loggia.
Water the palm tree with lukewarm water. Try not to flood the plant. Also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use a spray bottle.
It is recommended to transplant the plant into a larger pot every year (first 5 years), then every three years. After the plant turns 15 years old - every 5 years. Choose deep but not wide pots.
Attention! If you don't want the plant to stop growing, don't cut the crown!

I would like to note that it is very easy to germinate a bone from a date - some stick it into the first pot with a house plant that comes across and water it as usual, and a completely viable palm tree hatches from the bone.