The wall newspaper as a form of communication in any team has undeservedly lost its relevance in comparison with the last decades of the last century. However, today, with the help of a wall newspaper, you can rally staff, inform employees or classmates about the most important events and activities, or simply create an interesting element of corporate culture.

It is necessary
- - Paper;
- - colored paper;
- - photos;
- - markers.
Step 1
Think carefully about what information you want to present in the wall newspaper. First of all, it depends on the purpose of its release. If this is a regular publication in your team, you can create several permanent headings, and fill in the rest of the space depending on the occasion. Keep in mind that readers are unlikely to stay too long in front of the wall newspaper. Therefore, the information provided should be concise, clear and preferably witty.
Step 2
Take a thick sheet of A1 paper and divide it into several conventional zones. At the top in the middle, place the name of the wall newspaper that attracts attention. Make a border to highlight the headings, as well as one large border around the perimeter of the sheet.
Step 3
In the center, place the most important information in a larger font. You can also vary the background of each heading by printing it on different shades of paper. If you plan to maintain permanent sections, use a background, borders and fonts for them, made in a single key.
Step 4
In each heading, add a photo or image on the topic. Dry text will be much more difficult to perceive. Use collages, create interesting pictures on your computer using graphic editors.
Step 5
Add at least one volumetric element to the wall newspaper. This could be a pocket containing information leaflets or flyers. If the wall newspaper is issued in honor of a holiday, decorate it with voluminous flowers or origami figures.
Step 6
You can draw attention to information not only with colors and fonts. Place especially interesting information outside the main sheet altogether. For example, if one of the employees is often late and constantly writes explanatory notes, glue them in one line, roll them up and glue them to the bottom of the wall newspaper. Every reader will definitely pay attention to this element, expand and read it.