The decoration of the festive dinner is not only deliciously prepared dishes. An important role is played by table setting, including beautifully laid out napkins. Folding napkins beautifully is a whole art.

Step 1
Fold the napkin in half in one direction. Leave the free edges at the top. Fold the napkin "accordion", fold the folds. Fan it out.
Step 2
Connect all four corners of the napkin in the center. Turn the napkin with the back side and again connect all the corners in the center. Holding the napkin in the center, pull all eight corners up. The result is a water lily.
Step 3
Fold the napkin into a square along the existing fold lines. Take a napkin so that the free corners are at the top right. Bending the lower left corner diagonally to the upper right corner, make a triangle. Turn the lower ends back and insert into each other. The resulting figures of napkins, put in plates.
Step 4
On a napkin folded into a square along the fold lines, turn the top corner of the top layer diagonally to the center. Turn the "working" corner again diagonally in the same direction. Fold the napkin in half perpendicular to the folds you made.
Step 5
Turn the corner of the top layer of a square-folded napkin diagonally downward, fold the fold. Turn the corner of the second fold down to the center, and the bottom one back to the center. Tuck two not bent corners inward, fold the folds.
Step 6
Fold the napkin bent in the middle from right to left with an accordion. Fold the napkin along the middle with the fold down, folds out. Take the pleated side of the napkin in your right hand, and with your left hand fold the smooth side of the napkin diagonally downward so that the smooth side descends. Fold the descending part of the napkin underneath to the other side. Put on a napkin, lower the accordion.