Sapphire is a gem variety of corundum. It has an unusually high hardness and strength, due to which jewelry made from it does not lose its appearance and value for a long time. Many people think that real sapphire can only have blue hues, but this is not the case. These include all gem-quality corundums except red ones, which are classified as rubies.

origin of name
There is no single correct translation of the name. The etymology of the word refers the sapphire either to the Babylonian "sipra", which means "scratching", or to the Sanskrit "sanipriya" (the shrine of Saturn), where "sleigh" is "Saturn", and "priya" is "a shrine, a jewel." From this word came the Greek sappheiros (blue stone), and from it Latin sapphirus, Italian zaffiro, French saphir and Russian "sapphire". In Russia it was called the azure yacht.
Main deposits
The stones mined in the rivers of the Indian state of Kashmir have a velvet blue color with a milky haze, which appears as a result of the formation of tiny cavities or crystals inside the stone that cannot be seen even under a microscope.
Burmese sapphires have a color closer to ultramarine, stones from Sri Lanka are pale in color, some are almost colorless, but among them there are sapphires that are close in appearance to Kashmir.
In the Urals, there are blue-gray stones. The bright blue color is achieved by diffusion of iron oxides. In Africa and Australia, they are two-colored - they are blue from one angle of view, and green from another. In addition to these countries, sapphires are mined in Madagascar, Thailand, Brazil, and the USA.
Physiochemical properties
The formula of sapphire, like any other corundum, is α-Al2O3, or α-modification of aluminum oxide. Density - 4 grams per centimeter, Mohs hardness - 9 out of 10. Only diamond is harder. The color of each individual stone is given by an admixture of one of the metals or their mixture: manganese, titanium, chromium, vanadium, iron. Has a different degree of transparency and glass luster. The standard of sapphire is Kashmir with a bright cornflower blue hue. Unlike diamond, sapphire is valued for its color density and stellarity. After processing, a 6-, 12-pointed star appears on the surface of the stone. This property is provided by inclusions of rutile, which are organized in the stone at an angle of 120 °, or tubular channels, which are located at the same angle.
The magical properties of sapphire
This stone is credited with the ability to strengthen the owner's power, his spirit and ability to teach others, he awakens the thirst for knowledge, helps to attract attention, instills joy and courage. In the East, he is a symbol of disinterested friendship and modesty. Astrologers claim that sapphire is good for Aquarius and Scorpio. It must certainly be worn by Aquarius, Aries and, in particular, Sagittarius, since they are patronized by Jupiter, whose stone, as you might guess, is sapphire.