Orchids are delightful indoor flowers. Until recently, one could only dream of orchids, but now they decorate the interior of almost every person who loves flowers. It is not difficult to acquire orchids today. Many flower shops are full of a variety of choices. But is it always possible to preserve the beauty acquired in the store? The fact is that orchids are very prone to all sorts of diseases. For them, both insufficient and excessive care can be detrimental.

Orchid diseases
Orchid diseases can be divided into non-infectious and infectious. It is noncommunicable diseases that are associated with improper care. They can weaken the process of plant growth or even lead to its death, as well as promote the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Non-communicable orchid diseases
Most often, yellowing of the leaves is attributed to non-infectious diseases of orchids. This phenomenon is a consequence of improper care. The reasons that cause it include:
- hypothermia or freezing of the plant,
- excessive or poor watering,
- sunburn,
- insufficient lighting.
It should be noted that not only sunburn, but also steaming of the plant is a frequent phenomenon with improper care. Steaming, in comparison with a burn, brings it much more harm, due to the fact that not only leaves, but also buds, buds, root system are exposed to negative effects, i.e. almost the whole plant. Leaves prone to burns are usually covered with yellow spots, while the degree of burn is directly proportional to their area.
Prolonged hypothermia (more than 10 hours) can also lead to the death of an orchid. In this case, vegetative buds die, and the plant stops growing and developing.
In order to prevent the occurrence of non-infectious orchid diseases, you should:
- avoid hypothermia or freezing of the plant, ensuring the optimal temperature regime for it;
- normalize watering of the plant;
- select the required lighting mode.
Orchid diseases can develop with a lack of light. Lack of lighting may be indicated by modified orchid leaves. In this case, they usually acquire an elongated shape and a light green color.
Orchid infectious diseases
Orchid infectious diseases are more serious and require appropriate action. Their presence can be evidenced by mosaic spotting of leaves and flowers, small spots of various shapes: round, in the form of stripes, arrows.
If there is a suspicion of a viral disease, the orchid must be immediately isolated from other plants and shown to a specialist. If the version is confirmed, it will have to be destroyed in order to prevent the spread of the viral disease to other plants.
Orchids are often susceptible to bacterial or fungal diseases. With bacterial spotting, some areas of the leaves turn yellow, then acquire a dark shade and become covered with moist ulcers.
With this type of disease, the following should be done:
- isolate the plant;
- cut out the affected areas,
- treat the sections with iodine or crushed activated carbon.
In the absence of yellowing within 10 days, the plant is considered healthy. It can be returned to its original place and continue to enjoy the beauty.