Diseases Of Violets

Diseases Of Violets
Diseases Of Violets

Delicate uzambara violets cause a lot of trouble. Capricious ornamental plants often get sick if not properly looked after. Violet leaves often show spots that are evidence of improper care or illness.

Diseases of violets
Diseases of violets

Late blight

Brown spots on the leaves and rotting of the root part are signs of late blight. This disease is also called a fungus, weakened violets quickly die.

Prevention: add superphosphate to the soil. Violets should be kept in a room with dry air.

Treatment: Destroy the diseased plant completely, and sterilize the pot so that other flowers do not get infected with the fungus.

Powdery mildew

This is the most common violet disease. Irregularities and whitish spots appear on the leaves, stems, peduncles. The growth of the plant stops, the violet slowly dies.

Prevention: ventilate the room regularly, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Water the violets with standing water at room temperature.

Treatment: spray the flowers with Fundozol, Benlat or Topaz. If no results are observed, repeat the procedure after 10 days.

Gray rot

Decay, brown-gray fluffy spots - a signal of Botrytis infection. Gray rot leads to the death of the plant.

Prevention: do not use contaminated soil for planting, avoid frequent watering, temperature extremes.

Treatment: Try treating the diseased plant with fungicides. If that doesn't work, discard the flower along with the soil. Sterilize the pot.

It is worth noting that spots on a violet are not always a sign of illness. Perhaps the plant is just in an inconvenient place. Poor lighting, sun rays, drafts - all this can cause yellowing of the leaves, the formation of holes on them. An overabundance of fertilizers also leads to yellowing of the leaves, so observe the proportions when breeding dressings, when using fertilizers, follow the recommendations of agricultural technicians!
