How To Sew Bumpers In A Crib

How To Sew Bumpers In A Crib
How To Sew Bumpers In A Crib

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The bumpers for the baby bed are designed to provide extra protection for your baby. They are designed so that the baby does not rest his head on the wooden rods of the bed, does not bump when trying to get up, as well as for the comfort and convenience of a sleeping place. Bumpers can be bought at any specialty store for newborns, or you can make them yourself.

How to sew bumpers in a crib
How to sew bumpers in a crib

It is necessary

  • - fabric (calico, footer, fleece) 5 * 1, 1 m;
  • - foam rubber (3-4 cm thick) 2 * 1.5 m;
  • - a ribbon for strings 1 m.


Step 1

Fold the selected fabric in half, edge to edge and mark: two rectangles 120 * 55 cm and two rectangles 60 * 55 cm. Apply the markings using tailor's chalk or a dry bar of soap. Pin the fabric with pins and cut out the details according to the markings. The result is 4 rectangles 120 * 55 cm and 4 rectangles 60 * 55 cm.


Step 2

Zigzag the edges of the cut rectangles on a sewing machine. Sew two rectangles of the same size together with the right side inward. Do not sew on one side of the rim cover. Turn the cover right side out. Sew the rest of the rectangles in the same way.


Step 3

Cut 4 rectangles of the required size from the foam rubber. Put the foam rubber inside the finished cover for the sides.


Step 4

Fold in the edges of the unstitched side of the collar cover and sew edge to edge with a typewriter. When the sides are ready, it is necessary to sew on the ribbons-ties on the sides and in the middle in order to then tie the sides to the bed rods.
