In 2016, esports, which had existed for a long time in Russia, was approved as an official sport. Gamer Bogdan Subbotin has been actively participating in tournaments of the Dota 2 virtual gaming space since February 2018. Thanks to his passion and strategic thinking, the talented esportsman has managed to distinguish himself in off-lane matches more than once.

Bogdan Subbotin is a well-known personality in cybersport competitions. The passion of a young 25-year-old player who lives in Moscow testifies to his desire to devote himself to the career of a gamer. Bogdan's sports activities are related to the work of the team.
Bogdan's goals in the cyber game
Losing in cyber tournaments made the gamer more serious in his attitude to the sport, which manifested itself in the desire to create a team and keep it for further competition. The desire to be the winner in the game, the statistics of which are instantly reflected by the special service Dotabuff, forced the gamer to join the cyber community in order to reach the advanced level. A player named pos 3/4 has been participating in tournaments since February 2018 by creating a game profile in the service. Bogdan Subbotin is known on social networks for the following profiles:
The Moscow gamer began to show a sports interest in the field of computer games on a global scale, holding international matches, being a club player who had previously been fond of Counter-Strike. The new incentive to participate in the StarSeries game was the first step towards victory in the Dota 2 project.
The pos 3/4 participant of the last game with Dotabuff stats did not disappoint the sports team with his advanced level. Achieving a certain degree of professionalism in the game, Bogdan takes an active part in tournaments, interacting with members of the cyber community on social networks. The guys, storming rallies and championships, are in a hurry to share their experience with newcomers, which unites the team members to the greatest extent. Among them there are silver and gold medalists who have shown their talent in small Russian and international championships.
Reaching new game levels
Improving his gaming skill, Bogdan Subbotin decided to take part in Dota 2 tournaments. It is quite difficult to gain universal recognition, but the gamer continues to work hard in eSports. Musically gifted, Bogdan devotes his free time to rap, which strengthens his psychological mood and smooths out the excitement during sports training. The goal of a gamer is to reach the level of a professional, so he is pleased with his victories and status in the game, won in a short period of time.
The managers of the sports club and its members have long been paying attention to the young gamer Bogdan Subbotin, who values his time and spends it usefully. The player's positive views inspired more than one cyber tournament participant. Everyone has a chance to play at a very high level, so there are prerequisites for a competitive struggle between team members at every stage of the Dota 2 cyber game.
Favorite playable characters and roles
The statistics of the Dotabuff service showed that the number of matches played by the pos 3/4 player is 138, of which 65 wins and 67 defeats with an activity of 47, 1%. Recently, the most popular heroes pos 3/4 can be considered:
- Faceless Void - 15 matches.
- Bounty Hunter - 12 matches.
- Rubick - 10 matches.
- Sand King - 10 matches.
The most successful matches were with the heroes Luna, Necrophos and Wraith King (7, 8, 9 matches, 71, 43%, 75% and 66, 67%, respectively). At a high level, the gamer played 66, 67% 3 matches with a victory, and 120 matches on a regular basis, winning 48, 33% of tournaments. At the amateur level, Bogdan Subbotin distinguished himself by choosing characters without the support of Faceless Void, Wraith King, with whom he was leading in his ranking, having played 15 and 9 matches. On the middle lane, 12 matches were played with the hero Bounty Hunter, the win rate was 50%
The last matches were played in 53% of tournaments on the off lane, and 33% in the easy one, the central one accounted for 13%. Bogdan's unsupported off-lane experience comes from the characters Sand King, Necrophos, and Luna. For the support matches, pos 3/4 chose the heroes Rubick and Lion, becoming the winner with these characters in 10 and 8 matches, respectively.
Dota 2 experience has allowed Bogdan to take a certain position, controlling core heroes like Luna, who number more than supporting characters. Thanks to victories on the off lane in the main role, the player acquired the skill of successful matchmaking. Bogdan Subbotin is confident in further fruitful cooperation with the cyber community, since each of the parties is interested in success.