How To Draw Comic Characters

How To Draw Comic Characters
How To Draw Comic Characters

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Characters created for the entertainment of the viewer always seem light and light-hearted. To achieve this effect, the artist who draws the comic character needs to do a lot of work, which includes several mandatory steps.

How to draw comic characters
How to draw comic characters

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints.


Step 1

Come up with the character of your character. It will not be enough to develop just one comic trait in isolation from a full-fledged personality. Having come up with a biography of the hero, you can understand how this funny side was born in him, which means how it can develop and manifest itself. As a comic feature, you can use an exaggerated or understated feature of the appearance or character of the hero. The comic effect occurs when the development of the situation does not correspond to the expectations of the person. Therefore, you can come up with a trait that is uncharacteristic for a drawn creature. Also try to include a repetition motive in the hero's biography - any even the most common event that haunts the character on a regular basis will look comical.

Step 2

Once the object is designed in terms of content, you can sketch its appearance. Start with a silhouette - the outline, devoid of detail and color, should be self-sufficient and recognizable, even if you put your character in a crowd of other black silhouettes.

Step 3

Work out the details of the character's appearance. Correlate their appearance with the character of the hero, his habits and peculiarities of functioning: it should be convenient for him to perform any actions in his body. The viewer will feel the mistake made in this area as inharmony, the lack of integrity of the image.

Step 4

Do not overload the drawing with small elements - one or two features supporting the comic image will be enough. The rest will only distract attention, not allowing you to notice the main thing.

Step 5

Make some sketches of the character in motion. So you will "watch" him and understand which angle will look better on the final version of the illustration.

Step 6

Develop a story that will be depicted in the picture. Just as with the characters, the plots must be thought out from beginning to end, so that any moment captured is logically lined up. The chosen moment in the story, which will become the background for your character, try to make it as concise as possible. The viewer must understand what has happened in the picture, but not be distracted by looking at it for a long time, forgetting about the main character.

Step 7

In the final drawing, combine the character and the background on which the comic situation takes place. Move from general to particular, first drawing large objects and the foreground, and then completing the background and making minor refinements.
