Every time, arranging a holiday at home, I want to surprise the guests. Such an innovation on the festive table can be a homemade fruit palm, which every housewife can make from improvised means. As such, any berries and fruits can be used, depending on the imagination.

Step 1
First, you need to prepare the foundation. It is good to use ripe pineapple in this capacity. The fruit should be peeled, leaving green leaves on top, preferably wide and dark green in color. For pineapple, cut a slice at the bottom to give it stability.
Step 2
Next, you need to select an assortment of berries and fruits that will be used to decorate a homemade palm tree. You can use cherries, strawberries, apples, pears, bananas, and other fruits and berries.
Step 3
Wash the finished jewelry thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Then, dress, alternating fruits and berries in color and shape, on skewers and gently stick into the manufactured palm tree. Fruits and berries can be cut into pieces if they are large, or they can be left unchanged.
Step 4
Skewers can be inserted in a circle, diagonally, or just along the pineapple. Whichever variation you choose, you get a very beautiful palm fruit tree. For these purposes, you can use toothpicks or canapé nozzles, the main thing is not to insert them deep inside the pineapple and make sure that they are located as close to each other as possible.
Step 5
Place the finished fruit palm on a large platter, garnished with chopped kiwi, bananas and oranges. Here you can use any fruit decorations, the main thing is to choose them according to their color and taste. It is advisable to decorate the pineapple foot with high-fat whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips, creating the illusion of sea sand. The exquisite serving of fruits and berries in the form of a fruit palm will surely surprise even the most discerning guests and will become a worthy decoration of any festive table.