Taurus is a personable and reliable man. This is the dream of all housewives and monogamous women. Winning his heart is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Yes, he will admire your beauty, but this is a natural manifestation of gallantry. To become the lady of his heart, you will have to try very hard.

Step 1
If your goal is a Taurus man, forget about any communication and flirting with other men. This representative of the stronger sex does not even admit the thought that his girlfriend or wife may not admire him alone. If you stumble at least once and show interest in another man, consider that you have already lost your Taurus. If you are only his girlfriend so far, then the breakup is likely to follow immediately. But if you are already his wife, then you definitely cannot avoid a huge scandal and an outburst of jealousy. Taurus is an owner by nature, and you, first of all, must reckon with this in order not to lose him.
Step 2
Instill in him the confidence that you are the reliable fortress that protects the rear of the Taurus man. Coming home, he should feel comfort, calmness, see the kind and joyful eyes of his wife and children. If, however, a nervous, scandalous wife awaits a man in his native walls, then in a short time he will make a decision about serious changes in family life. Although the breakup is very difficult for him, he values his own calmness more. It is for this reason that Taurus makes the decision to marry very painstakingly and for a long time.
Step 3
Since a Taurus man so thoroughly chooses a life partner for himself, then she must be impeccable in bed. This man is very fond of sex, so his wife should be ready to support his sexual games at any moment. Tales of a bad head and a hard day will not satisfy him, because he also worked, and now he wants a good relaxation.
Step 4
Another prerequisite for a Taurus wife is the ability to cook. A woman should love to do this, because a Taurus man is a great gourmet and loves to enjoy food.
Step 5
Taurus makes great demands for his chosen one, but he also gives a lot. By marrying him, you will find yourself as if behind a stone wall. This man will fully provide for you and the children. Therefore, if all of the above obligations are only a joy for you, then the path to the heart of a Taurus man is paved with a red carpet for you.