How To Wear Carnelian

How To Wear Carnelian
How To Wear Carnelian

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Among the many precious and semi-precious stones, carnelian takes a special place. This bright orange or red stone will not only decorate any outfit, but also help its owner during illness, heartache and family troubles. The main thing is to wear it correctly.

How to wear carnelian
How to wear carnelian


Step 1

Carnelian was popular and revered even in Ancient Egypt, Persia, China: pharaohs, priests, the prophet Muhammad paid great attention to rings with carnelian and practically did not remove jewelry with this stone. Even then, it was known that carnelian is able to pacify mental storms and sorrows, give a person peace and rational thinking, and protect against negative energy. It is believed that the midday sun is reflected in all its glory in the rays of carnelian, filling everyone who touches this stone with its energy and light. It was also used by inventors, artists, poets and singers - after all, carnelian is perfect for creative people, awakening energy, strength, helping to create new masterpieces.

Step 2

In terms of health, carnelian can help with many diseases. This is due to the small radioactivity that this stone possesses. If you have a migraine headache, place the stone to your eyes or to the area where the pain is pulsing. A necklace or bracelet made of carnelian will pacify Graves' disease; to relieve sciatica or joint pain, it is recommended to heat the stone (for example, with a heating pad) and apply it to the sore spot. Repeat this procedure several times - and it will become much easier for you. In addition, carnelian is able to stop bleeding; it only needs to be applied to the wound. This stone also has a positive effect on women's health: it is able to pacify pain during the menstrual cycle, normalize the cycle and even cope with infertility.

Step 3

In business, carnelian will also be a good helper, because it awakens intuition and you will be able to make the really right decisions and conclude the right deals. And with its bright sunshine, it attracts success and good luck, helps to cope with official duties and build a career, protects from the evil eye and bad rumors, envy and disputes, gives confidence in their abilities. Wear a carnelian ring on your left index finger or in a necklace and your professional business will go uphill.

Step 4

As for love, carnelian has long occupied an honorable place here. Attracting a good groom or bride, pacifying passions in the soul, giving a man strength, and affection for a woman, relieving thoughts of betrayal - this is only a small part of the influence of carnelian on the love sphere. Present a young married couple with a carnelian amulet and they will live happily ever after. Single girls need to wear carnelian earrings: it is believed that this stone improves skin condition and attracts men's looks. Owners of an ugly smile can also use the help of carnelian - toothpicks from this stone improve the condition of the teeth, whiten them. And if you keep carnelian in your mouth at least several times a week, your teeth will be strong and beautiful.

Step 5

So, if you nevertheless decide to buy yourself a carnelian jewelry, remember that it is better for women to wear earrings or beads of an orange hue, but for men a ring with a blood-red stone tint is ideal. Experts advise against wearing a carnelian ring on the ring finger, it is better if it is the middle one (to attract success and luck, protection from negativity), or the index finger (attracts love and harmony). But remember that this stone does not need to be worn all the time, and its strength is lost when malachite or beryl is worn with it.
