If your guests get bored at a party, offer them a handkerchief trick. There can be several options for the "magic" action. The main thing is to practice well before this, so that the audience not only does not get bored even more, but does not become disappointed at all in miracles.

Step 1
The trick "works" very well with a cut scarf, which suddenly becomes safe and sound. To do this, ask someone from the audience for a white handkerchief. Squeeze it in a fist and pull the corner out. Cut it off, then press firmly against the scarf. Put everything in a box, shake it well, then ask the owner to get out his undamaged handkerchief from there. The "magic" of the trick lies in the fact that in your left hand there should initially be a prepared white handkerchief. When you tuck the spectator's handkerchief into your fist, pull out the tip of your handkerchief, which you then cut off. When you press the cut piece to the handkerchief, and then put everything in the box, drop the "spoiled" handkerchief and the cut corner into the open drawer of the table. Thus, in the "magic" box, which you then vigorously shake, lies the spectator's scarf.
Step 2
Do you want to "turn" a shawl into a chicken egg? To do this, first make a hole in it and let the contents drain. Dry the shell and then cover it with plaster from the inside so that it does not crumble in your hands during the trick. So, you need this shell, a small silk scarf and … one more, but a real egg. When you demonstrate trick, take a handkerchief in your hands and discreetly - a shell. Cover it from the audience with your hand and at the same time slightly wave the handkerchief. Your task is to gradually and imperceptibly shove the handkerchief into the shell, and then show it. The viewer thinks that this is a real egg, because you are deliberately hiding the hole from it. Then go to the table and take a glass. Replace the shells with a real egg at the same time. Break it into a glass and finally amaze the audience with the wonders of the performed illusion.
Step 3
To "turn" a handkerchief into wine, you need to divide a transparent glass with a mirrored partition. Pour wine into one half (not to the brim) and secure on top with a thin plexiglos so that it does not spill out. In the other half, place a handkerchief of the same color as the wine. The trick goes like this: you show the viewer that there is wine in the glass. It splashes, for persuasiveness you can imitate a couple of sips. The viewer does not see the other side of the glass, which contains the scarf. Do the following movements quickly: cover the glass with your palm, turn it upside down, turn the glass 180 degrees and remove the handkerchief from the “empty” glass. The mirror will do its job, and you will give your guests an evening of miracles and magic.