Why Is Ice Dreaming

Why Is Ice Dreaming
Why Is Ice Dreaming

Ice is associated with cold and stagnant conditions. Therefore, in many dream books, dreams in which there are blocks of ice, icicles, icebergs or ponds pulled together by ice are considered a bad sign. What to expect, what to prepare for if you suddenly dreamed of ice?

Ice in a dream
Ice in a dream

In dream books, ice often acts as a symbol of wilting, dying. However, you should not panic, believing that the ice dreamed about the death of your own or a relative, friend. Often, ice in a dream informs about dying in a figurative sense. For example, communication with any acquaintances and comrades, relations with whom have become obsolete, may be interrupted. Or you will have to change your profession, place of work, move to another country, take up some new business, giving up your past - "dead" - life.

Sometimes ice in a dream portends internal transformations. The dreamer will be able to cope with the fears or worries that tormented him. He will learn to look differently at his life and the world around him, change attitudes and life guidelines.

If you had a dream in which a person is forced to walk on thin and slippery ice, then such a dream warns of the beginning of a rather difficult period in life. You will have to act very carefully so as not to "break on the ice." Now you need to give up rush, you should not take risks and rush to extremes.

If in a dream the dreamer falls through thin ice, this promises the collapse of any undertakings. The plans are not destined to come true, any efforts will be in vain.

The presence of ice in dreams signals impending health problems. If there was a huge block of ice in the night vision or there was an iceberg, the dreamer should pay attention to the digestive organs. There is a risk of poisoning or exacerbation of any chronic pathology of the stomach, intestines. When a person drinks ice water in a dream, it promises problems with the throat, the entire mouth cavity and teeth, with the voice, as well as with the lungs. Falling on the ice or being trapped under a thick layer of ice - to serious injuries, accidents, accidents, or to contracting a serious illness that will be bedridden for a long time.

Seeing your icy house in a dream, or watching icicles form on the roof of a building, on a fence or stairs, is a very bad omen. Dream Interpretations claim that such night vision warns of problems in the family. Theft or fire in the apartment is possible. Soon the financial situation will deteriorate sharply, poverty will come to the family, getting rid of which will not be easy. There will be a prolonged stagnation in all matters, feelings between relatives will cool.

If you dreamed of the sun that drowns the ice floes, this portends difficulties in relationships with loved ones, with friends or colleagues at work. The dreamer should prepare for the fact that one of his acquaintances will ruin the mood or foil plans. Major disagreements with friends are likely. From distant relatives, news will fly in that will grieve, make you worry or even cry.

Ice, suddenly dreamed in the summer, promises a change. What will they be? Depends on the context of the dream and on the emotions that the dreamer experienced during the vision.

If the dream was light and joyful, the mood after it was elevated, then the changes will come favorable and desired. However, they will not keep themselves waiting long.

If the dream with ice was filled with darkness, turned out to be heavy or almost nightmare, then you should prepare for the "black stripe". Negative changes will burst into life from all sides, it will not be possible to escape from them.

In rare cases, ice is interpreted as a kind of positive sign. When in a dream a person crosses a frozen river (lake, other body of water) without problems, this means that success awaits him in life. Gliding on an icy surface - to bright moments in life and short joyful events. Seeing cute sparkling ice floes is an interesting meeting, a new acquaintance. Holding a piece of ice in your hands - you will be able to cope with inner experiences, "freeze emotions" without making serious mistakes on the path of life.
