You can find out about the approaching New Year by the decoration of shops, fluffy Christmas trees in the hands of passers-by and the festive mood of others, and also by the fabulous New Year's drawings on the windows. The pleasant duty of decorating the glass of windows with drawings, as a rule, is assigned to children and brings them a lot of pleasure.

Step 1
You can draw anything you want - as long as there is a New Year theme. Use Christmas cards or stencils as a guide. You can buy them in specialized stores or make your own. To do this, print and transfer pictures downloaded from the Internet or found in children's books onto cardboard. You can also stick the picture you like on the back of the glass with tape and draw on it.
Step 2
It is desirable to apply drawings with white paints. For painting, use ordinary gouache or gouache mixed with sparkles or watercolors. There is also a special paint for painting on glass. Someone prefers to paint with toothpaste. So that after the holidays you do not have to wash the glass, use stained glass paint for children. It can be used to make reusable stickers. The paints are first applied to transparent film and then transferred to glass. Amazing drawings are obtained from artificial snow in spray cans.
Step 3
Pattern on the window using the splatter technique. Cut out the shape you like out of paper, slightly moisten it with water and glue it to the glass. Squirt a small amount of toothpaste into a saucer and dilute with water. Dip a toothbrush into the resulting mass and, running your finger along the bristles, direct the spray to the figure. The first spray will be too coarse, so brush past it. Let the drawing dry and carefully remove the snowflake.
Step 4
Decorate the window pane with contour paints. Attach the pictures you like to the file. Trace the contours with a marker - a bottle of the darkest color. Let dry for two hours. Then color in the inside of the drawing. For a smooth transition of colors, bring different colors to each other using toothpicks. After drying, remove the dried application from the film and press it against the glass.