The choice of pencils depends on the planned drawing and on the quality of the paper. In general, they are divided into simple and colored. Graphite pencils of varying degrees of hardness are used in graphics. To create color drawings, there are watercolors, pastels, wax and others.

Step 1
In the graphics, mainly graphite pencils are used, which have a grayish tone and a slight sheen. They are not intensely black. They are available in varying degrees of softness / hardness. This degree can be recognized by the letters M, T, MT and the number in front of the letter. Look at the end of the pencil, there you will see the notation.
Step 2
If you need a hard pencil, choose one with the letter T at the end (or English H for hard). There are also pencils 2T, 3T, etc. The larger the number, the greater the degree of hardness. Solid pencils are convenient to use on paper close to whatman paper, as well as when the drawing process takes a long time. They fit well on rough paper.
Step 3
If you are looking for a soft pencil, take graphite marked M (English - B), or softer ones - 2M, 3M, etc. Soft pencils are great for sketching and working on smooth paper. When you draw them, the line is brighter and thicker.
Step 4
The letters TM (or HB) denote a medium soft pencil. Use it when sketching a drawing. Then move on to softer numbers. You can buy a set in which there will already be graphite pencils of varying degrees of softness and hardness, you just have to try them in practice and understand for what purposes each of them is best suited.
Step 5
Pastels are essentially soft colored pencils with delicate shades. They include pigments, kaolin, chalk, clay, white soot, etc. Choose pastels when you want a matte color and a velvety feel. Remember that it doesn't stick very well on paper, so the paper should be rough. In the end, you can use a fixative-fixative, however, the overall tone of the picture in this case will change somewhat.
Step 6
Another variety is wax crayons. These are thick, plant-based colored pencils, soft enough, with vibrant, saturated shades. They are sold in sets. They are good to buy for kids because of their durability and economy. However, pay attention to the quality and manufacturer so that there are no harmful solvents in the composition.
Step 7
Watercolor pencils are made using a special technology from pressed watercolors. They are bright, soft, do not crumble when used. Drawing with watercolor pencils can be blurred with a wet brush or left clear.
Step 8
Pencils are different in shape - round, multifaceted, triangular. Here, focus on your preferences - the pencil should lie comfortably in your hand so that the brush does not get tired while working with it.