What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For Agate

What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For Agate
What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For Agate

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Layered structure, subtle color transitions, exquisite pattern, rich color palette - all this rank agate as one of the most attractive and beloved semi-precious stones. Many believe that agate can bring good luck and restore health, but this stone is not suitable for everyone.

What signs of the zodiac are suitable for agate
What signs of the zodiac are suitable for agate

Matte or crystal clear, agate is used to create jewelry that often looks like a work of art, which can be equated with true masterpieces of jewelry. However, not always a product made of agate, be it the finest carved box or necklace, can benefit its owner.

The magical power of stones has been revered and truly professed by various cults and religions at all times of the existence of mankind.

It is believed that the stone is an iconic element, it can protect its owner or, conversely, cause irreparable damage to his health and well-being. Astrologers, for example, believe that any stone corresponds to a certain sign of the zodiac and has the properties of a kind of talisman or amulet. There are stones that fit almost all signs of the star horoscope, and there are those that, on the contrary, correspond to only one single constellation. Agate belongs to one of these practically universal gems.

Yellow agate

For Taurus, yellow agates are most suitable, symbols of well-being and tranquility in the house, combining the elements of Venus and Saturn. Soft and calm agate will bring good luck to the representatives of the sign of Libra, Gemini, Cancer and Aquarius. Pisces, for example, are advised to decorate themselves with agate products no more than once a week, and the stone is completely contraindicated for Sagittarius, Scorpions and Aries, it is believed that these signs become shallow and miserable and puny under the influence of powerful forces emitted by agate.

White agate

Moon and Venus are the patrons of white agate. The bearers of this stone will surely find peace and protect themselves from malevolent spirits; gray agate will suit honest and noble people. Blue agates are suitable for Aquarius and Leo, but those who were born under the sign of Virgo should avoid contact with the black representatives of this stone.

There is a belief that agate, correctly selected for the zodiac sign, contributes to the accelerated development of children, relieves fear and excessive sensitivity.

It is believed that agates have a beneficial effect on human health, help to cope with toothache, colds and joint diseases. People with a tendency to cardiovascular diseases should decorate the ring finger of their left hand with agate rings, but the middle finger of the right hand, ringed with such an ornament, will help to cope with all kinds of mental disorders.
