To obtain an excellent result, it is necessary to choose the right knitting needles for the yarn of a certain thickness and texture.

What knitting needles are made of
Knitting needles are made from a wide variety of materials: wood, metal, bone and plastic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, plastic and wooden knitting needles are very comfortable and lightweight, but very often they bend and break. Knitting needles made of aluminum can stain light-colored threads. Steel are considered the most durable, but they are heavier than all of the above.
Products made of fluffy threads are not recommended to be knitted on wooden knitting needles, since the yarn clings to the surface, but it is very convenient to knit fabrics from synthetic and cotton threads on them.
What are knitting needles
Knitting needles can have open and closed ends. With open knitting needles, both sides are sharp, they are very convenient for knitting socks, mittens or gloves. Closed knitting needles have a stop at one end. They knit large parts. To create large, one-piece knits - skirts, sweaters, hats - circular knitting needles are most often used, connected by fishing line or other flexible material.
The needles are numbered, each corresponding to the diameter of the tool. You need to know them in order to choose the right one for knitting from the selected yarn. The basic rule is that the thinner the thread, the thinner the needles should be and vice versa.
The recommended needle number is indicated on the yarn roll label. However, it is possible to knit thin yarn with thick knitting needles, as a result, the fabric will turn out to be loose. This method is suitable for making shawls, spider webs or bulky items. And if you knit with thin knitting needles from thick yarn, then the knitting will turn out to be tough and inelastic. This method is suitable for making hats, panamas and skirts.
How to choose the perfect knitting needles
In order for the thread to glide easily over the knitting needles during operation, they must be smooth and straight. This will make knitting much easier. Feel the tips. They should not be too sharp or blunt. With sharp ends, you can injure your fingers or split the yarn, which will ruin the appearance of the finished product, and knitting with blunt ends is very difficult, you need to apply unnecessary effort, and the loops become stretched.