How To Find Out The Meaning Of A Polynesian Tattoo

How To Find Out The Meaning Of A Polynesian Tattoo
How To Find Out The Meaning Of A Polynesian Tattoo

Decorating your body with tattoos today has taken on a kind of atrophied, very meaningless look. People often resort to using this or that pattern, attaching only aesthetic value to it and not thinking about the meaning of the pattern chosen for drawing, which, according to ancient legends and legends, can radically change the life and fate of a person wearing it on his body.

How to find out the meaning of a Polynesian tattoo
How to find out the meaning of a Polynesian tattoo

Contact with higher powers

The so-called Polynesian tattoos have gained immense popularity lately.

Polynesia is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, the most popular of which are Easter Island and Hawaii.

It is on the islands of Polynesia that tattooing is considered a special kind of art, according to local residents, only it is able to enable a person to establish contact with the divine principle. The Polynesian tattoo style represents ornaments characteristic of the culture of local tribes and small peoples, outwardly they resemble a regular and clear carved pattern.

The drawing consists of lines with strict geometry, drawings are often used symbolizing heavenly bodies, animals, plants, the meaning of such tattoos is sometimes difficult to read for an unprepared person due to the special intricacies of patterns and lines.

Male drawing

Real Polynesian tattoos have always been considered a privilege of the male sex and were applied with a shark's or a pig's tooth, which sometimes caused unbearable pain in the process. A tattoo of this kind is intended to become a document of its owner, because it can tell a lot about his life, history, qualities, destiny and aspirations.

Shark, for example, a sacred animal in these parts, designed to protect its owner, is a symbol of power and fortitude. Polynesian masks, tiki are the lot of warriors, such drawings must be protected from visible and invisible enemies. The same meaning is possessed by the graceful and light animal stingray applied to the body.

A patterned unfolded spiral gives a person hope, symbolizes a new life.

The turtle is chosen as a tattoo by peace-loving and family people, this unhurried animal is a guardian of traditions and a symbol of longevity and may well suit both girls and guys, but the moon is more of a symbol of femininity, promising abundance.

The sun is a sign of eternal life. The combination of two heavenly bodies in one drawing is a symbol of overcoming obstacles and the implementation of ideas that seem impossible at first glance. If you see a Polynesian lizard on a human body, know that this animal, respected in the Polynesian region, is endowed with supernatural powers and has a magical origin.

Drawings in the form of such marine life as dolphins mean friendship, connect a person with earthly principles.