Before learning to play the jew's harp, you need to learn how to hold it correctly. Here is the most optimal way: place the rounded part of the jew's harp on the middle and forefinger. Use your thumb to firmly fix the instrument where the tongue is attached. This method works well for holding most jew's harps. Having learned how to hold the jew's harp correctly, you can start learning how to play it.

Step 1
Newbie tip: Make sure the uvula path is unobstructed before hitting it. Press your finger on the tongue, try to start it behind the teeth, and then back. The tongue should move freely. The blows on it should be abrupt and short-lived. With a direct impact, the tongue touches with a finger when it moves towards itself, and with the opposite - from itself.
Step 2
You also need to make a reservation that it will take some practice to accurately hit the moving tongue with the required force. The highest tempo of the game, as well as a complex rhythmic pattern, can be obtained only by alternating direct and reverse beats.
Step 3
Now let's talk about the most common and productive ways of extracting sound. The elbow should be down. Point your index finger up and strain a little. Pick up the rest of your fingers into a fist. Hit the tongue with the pad or the edge of the index finger, bending and unbending the wrist. This method is versatile and allows you to play with any dynamics and at any tempo.
Step 4
The next way: the elbow should be at shoulder level or slightly higher. Place all fingers in a fist except for the index. Strike the tongue with the edge of the index finger, rotating the wrist. Just like the previous one, this method allows you to play at different tempos.
Step 5
Lower your elbow, fold your fingers in a boat and cover the tongue of the instrument as if it were. Move your thumb a little to the side. Hit the tongue with the middle of the abducted thumb, bending and unbending the arm at the elbow. This method is used mainly for measured and unhurried play.
Step 6
And the last way: raise your elbow to shoulder level or slightly higher. Relax the brush and place it slightly above the jew's harp so that it hangs freely over it. Place your thumb against your temple. Strike the tongue of the instrument, alternately bending the ring, middle and index fingers. The hand must remain stationary during the game. When you need to extract paired and triple sounds, this method is mainly used.