How To Play The Harp

How To Play The Harp
How To Play The Harp

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It is believed that mastering the harp is not so difficult. This plucked musical instrument can be mastered by a person with a complete lack of any hearing. Unlike such difficult areas as playing the violin and cello, which require many years of diligent study, the harp can sing in the hands of a "musician" after a few lessons. That is, this tool does not put forward any age or other qualifications for mastering.

How to play the harp
How to play the harp


Step 1

First you need to decide which type of harp is right for you. If you consider yourself a lover of warm soft classical melodies, choose a lever or pedal instrument, but if you like Celtic or Gothic tunes, you should take a closer look at string harps. There are two-row harps, decorative, there are harps larger and smaller.

Step 2

Now take a closer look at the strings, the notes of which form the classic sequence from "C" to "B". Red strings correspond to C, blue to F. The harp should be installed in such a way that the musician can freely reach the center of any string, perhaps a special bench or seat is required for this. Place short strings directly in front of you, long ones should be found at a distance.

Step 3

The harp should be placed so that its body fits between the musician's legs and rests on the right shoulder. In this case, the instrument should not be very close to the body, this contributes to poor visibility. Place your arms perpendicular to your body so that they are parallel to the floor. To play the harp, use the pads of the four main fingers, the little finger does not participate in the melody process. Nails should be trimmed short. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.

Step 4

Try to collect your fingers as you play - this is a classic instrument playing technique taught by most professional teachers. Relax your fingers as much as possible, this will facilitate the game and prevent possible injury.

Step 5

Take a closer look at the pedals: the middle position corresponds to the key of C major, the raised pedal will give you flat notes, the lowered one means the sharp. With a lever harp, each deviation from the original position raises the sound of the harp by a semitone.

Step 6

Extend your right hand as far away from you as possible and slowly walk from string to string, now you can hear the singing of the instrument, feel its response. The first step has already been taken, now you need to go through video tutorials on self-study sites or contact a professional teacher or musician who will teach the basics of communicating with the instrument. Believe in yourself, and soon you will be able to become, perhaps, the only harpist among your acquaintances.
