How To Sew A Ribbon On Tulle

How To Sew A Ribbon On Tulle
How To Sew A Ribbon On Tulle

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Intricate patterns intertwined with each other, a light secret of transparency and lightness. All this refers to the fabrics, familiar to many, on the windows. Tulle not only serves as a decoration, but also hides people in the room from prying eyes, while perfectly transmitting the rays of daylight. Tulle fabric is sold without special ribbons fixing it on the curtains, so it should be purchased immediately when buying tulle.

How to sew a ribbon on tulle
How to sew a ribbon on tulle


Step 1

Measure the required tulle height (length) and cut a cut a little more than the desired size by 4-6 cm. The fabric will be needed for the hem, which should be done before sewing on the ribbon. Double hem the tulle and machine sew. Before stitching the hem, look where the curtain is on the right side and where on the left. Make the fold toward the wall, not the room.

Step 2

Tulle has a standard width and is usually cut to length. If you know the width, cut the ribbon that is sold in skeins to the same length. By the way, you can immediately buy a tape of the desired length in the store and save on the price.

Step 3

Baste the tape to the part of the tulle that will be located on the side of the wall. Apply the tape 5 mm below the top line. After you have baked, sew the curtain on the typewriter. Choose threads that are thin but strong. The step of the machine should be medium, if you put a small one, the thin threads of the tulle can break, and the seam will be noticeable.

Step 4

After the curtain is ready, wash it in warm water, dry it and iron it if necessary. The tape has special threads on which the curtain is hung on the curtain hooks. Hang the tulle neatly and enjoy its beauty and patterned shade on the floor.
