How To Make A Groundbait For Bream

How To Make A Groundbait For Bream
How To Make A Groundbait For Bream

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The assortment of bait for bream is presented in stores by domestic and foreign manufacturers. But most fishermen still prefer the one cooked with their own hands. Homemade recipes pay off because they allow you to create an adapted groundbait for a specific reservoir. Remember, imported products are designed for Western fisheries where fish are accustomed to those nutritional ingredients. We have original compositions based on commercially available products.

How to make a groundbait for bream
How to make a groundbait for bream


Step 1

A popular ingredient for feeding on bream is corn or wheat bread crumbs. Hemp or sunflower cake is also often used. You can replace the cakes with fried sunflower, rapeseed, hemp. Make sure that the proportion of oil seeds in the groundbait is three times less than that of the cake.

Step 2

Fry millet, buckwheat, peas in the groundbait. Fry until golden Hercules. Add bran to the bait. Pre-fill them with boiling water overnight. Add bran directly on the pond when you knead. Do the same with the cake.

Step 3

You will get great results if you use powdered milk in your groundbait. It creates a cloud in the water, which strongly attracts bream with its dregs. Remember that the milky cloud does not saturate the fish.

Step 4

You can use whole fat milk, just add it to the mixture of dry groundbait a day before using it on the pond, because long-term storage of whole milk leads to a reaction with the rest of the bait components, entails rapid oxidation of milk fats. The bait will become bitter as a result.

Step 5

If you are preparing feeder fishing for bream, then you need a special feeding. Boil half a kilo of millet with the addition of a bag of vanilla sugar. Millet should be boiled. During the cooking process, add half a kilogram of corn flakes.

Step 6

Add crushed "Hercules", bread crumbs and chopped sunflower cake to the resulting porridge. Additional components must be kept hot. Grind all hard grains thoroughly. This will greatly increase the surface area of the water from which the aromas and flavors of your groundbait are released.

Step 7

At the final stage of preparing bait, many fishermen add ballast specifically for bream, which they use as ordinary river sand. It performs the function of a baking powder, so if you bring some of the sand to 70% of the total volume of your groundbait, you can refuse chemical baking powder. Add ballast to the bait on the spot, near the pond.
