Fishing is one of the favorite activities of many Russians. Fishing happens with different fish and each requires its own bait in order to lure exactly the desired fish. Catching a carp is not a tenth sprat to pull out, carp requires a special bait.

Step 1
Use the "Method" tackle for carp baiting. This is a tackle in which a ball of groundbait is compacted around the feeder itself and bait on a hook, consisting of a hair-mounted boilie partially crushed into this bait. The idea itself is that the carp bumps into the bait lying on the bottom and begins to suck on it, simultaneously swallowing the bait with a hook.
Step 2
Make a bait using one of the following foods: boiled potatoes (you need to choose a variety so that after cooking the potatoes do not fall apart and stick tightly on the hook), flour dumplings or so-called boilies (the denser they are, the more likely it will not float to the surface) or a grain mixture of boiled peas, corn, pearl barley and hemp (the latter will have to be cooked separately, since it boils down faster).
Step 3
Getting to a place where carp is often caught and fish there, respectively, have already been fed, prepare a nozzle from a special granulated fish feed or silkworm cocoons. Carp, like any other fish, very quickly get used to any new feed, no matter whether it is vegetable or animal, and therefore a new bait increases the chances of success.
Step 4
Remember which baits cannot be prepared for carp: peanut (ground nuts together with husks - due to the peculiarities of fish digestion, this species will not benefit all carp in the reservoir where you will fish), oil (vegetable oil does not dissolve in water and does not give no flavoring effect) and on the tiger nut.
Step 5
Buy a hook more powerful - for carp and half a pound (8 kg) is not the limit. And when pulling it out, there is a chance of getting hurt on the dorsal fin of this fish (sometimes it turns out that the carp "saws" the line with it). Be careful.