A well-chosen Tarot deck will guarantee a high quality of work, will become your assistant and advisor, a reliable guide to the world of the mysterious and unknown. It is necessary to approach the choice of cards with all responsibility and conscientiousness, since the deck that suits you will increase its magical and energetic potential over time.

Step 1
When you buy a deck, you may find that it is missing a few cards. Moreover, with a repeated purchase, the situation may repeat itself. Print the purchased deck and count the cards in the presence of the seller. It must contain 78 cards with pictures and two blank cards that can be discarded immediately.
You should not buy an unsealed deck: people who touched it before you left an imprint of their energy on it. Your hand should be the first to touch the cards.
Step 2
Labels must be free of typographical errors. Major and Minor Arcana should have their own names, and the drawings themselves should be clear, neat and executed in at least 5 colors. Maps should be in plain language.
Step 3
A deck that is too large or too small will be awkward to use. The cards made from hard paper will be the best to use. Laminated cards will slide when shuffled and poorly conserving energy.
Step 4
When buying, be guided solely by your own feelings and intuition, and not by the advice of the seller, the main thing for whom is to sell as much of the product as possible at the highest price. The deck should appeal to you visually. If the seller does not have a demo version, first familiarize yourself with the various Tarot modifications in catalogs or on the Internet.
Step 5
So that the energy of the deck is not disturbed, it is recommended to store it in a special leather bag away from prying eyes. Make sure that the deck ends up in the wrong hands as rarely as possible - otherwise you will have to regularly clean it from extraneous energy drinks.