Games and contests are good at any age - both children and adults love them. They will make your holiday or even an ordinary meeting of friends memorable. For some games you need to prepare in advance and buy the necessary equipment, while others can be arranged at any time, if you wish.

Step 1
If you are going to arrange games and contests for children, then think over the program in advance, and also buy small surprise prizes. Ideas for a holiday can be found on the Internet, remember your favorite childhood games, see how your friends and family arrange such events. Come up with more different types of entertainment so that during the holiday you can choose one or another competition depending on the situation.
Step 2
For weddings, corporate parties, anniversaries and other holidays, a "cultural program" is also needed. Here prizes are no longer required, but in principle, any person will be happy to receive as a gift some little thing or treat, which will then remind them of your holiday. If you are going to organize a large event, then you can invite a host who will offer you any competition to choose from. Or go to some entertainment center (for example, arrange a corporate party at a paintball club). If you want to organize everything yourself, then, as in the case of the children's holiday, think over the evening program in advance. Find as many fun contests as possible to make your guests laugh and smile more.
Step 3
Games and contests can be organized spontaneously. To play "mafia" you only need a deck of cards (or you can limit yourself to pieces of paper), and for a "crocodile" (pantomime) you don't need anything but the desire to play.
Step 4
Recently, all kinds of board and floor games have become very popular. They are always successful. However, for this you will have to purchase (or make yourself) the necessary equipment in advance. Twister, Uno, Activity, Monopoly, Scrub - the list is endless. There are active games, there are calm ones, there are those where both are combined. There are team and “every man for himself”. In some games, two can take part, in others - dozens of people. Even if you've never heard any of these names, be sure to try playing. The rules are easy to learn, and you will enjoy many evenings.