How To Find Out Your Karma And Destiny: Aries Woman, Leo, Sagittarius

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How To Find Out Your Karma And Destiny: Aries Woman, Leo, Sagittarius
How To Find Out Your Karma And Destiny: Aries Woman, Leo, Sagittarius

Video: How To Find Out Your Karma And Destiny: Aries Woman, Leo, Sagittarius

Video: How To Find Out Your Karma And Destiny: Aries Woman, Leo, Sagittarius

Finding out your karma is also not easy, how to unravel the secrets of the subconscious, plunging into its depths. And you can feel the very bottom of the natal chart - Lilith or the Black Moon - the most sensitive and problematic point in the individual female horoscope.

How to find out your karma and destiny: Aries woman, Leo, Sagittarius
How to find out your karma and destiny: Aries woman, Leo, Sagittarius

It is necessary

  • In which sign Lilith is hiding, you can easily find out using natal charts online by entering the date and approximate time of birth. If the time of birth is unknown, you can enter 12:00.
  • Lilith's position in fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, symbolizes Fire karma, problems with self-expression and the need to work out at the levels: War, Power, Society.


Step 1

Lilith in Aries

The first level of fire karma: war. Past lives were associated with primal instincts, war or violence. Therefore, for the purification of karma, the development of sensitivity, patience, and empathy is beneficial.

However, it is no coincidence that in classical astrology the first sign of the zodiac symbolizes renewal, impulsive youth, innocence and children. It would seem that the element of Fire, a sign of courage and courage … but the purpose of a woman with Lilith in Aries is motherhood, taking care of children, or helping people weaker and defenseless.

The karmic trick lies in the fact that in the new earthly incarnation, the rigid Mars - the ruler of Aries - influences the woman. The exam gets harder. Showing mercy and compassion becomes more difficult. The transformation of the warrior archetype into the mother archetype is one of the most difficult karmic tasks. There is a great temptation to dominate, to impose your will on others.


Step 2

Lilith in Leo

The second level of fire karma: a fierce struggle for power, leadership or authority in a series of previous incarnations. And also a test of power and honor. The so-called "fire and brass pipes" (test of glory). The exam is not passed, the conditions become more complicated, since the main vices of Leo are vanity and arrogance.

Lilith in Leo in this incarnation can also endow a woman with power, be it a high position, money, the gift of persuasion, suggestion, sexual magnetism and even magical abilities - all these are types of power, and the study of karma goes through creative influence, refusal to manipulate for selfish purposes …

The need for attention can be compensated for by creativity, socially useful activities and professions related to publicity and communication. If a woman gravitates towards the field of fashion and beauty, towards luxury and pleasure, then she should avoid dubious admirers, overly vicious lovers and married men.


Step 3

Lilith in Sagittarius

The third level of fiery karma: debts to society. Previous incarnations, obviously, were associated with violation of laws and public order. In addition, the Sagittarius sphere is associated with expansion - the expansion of the zone of habitation / influence, hence the possible craving for relocation, travel and adventure.

Working out karma: caution when dealing with people, inadmissibility of imposing thoughts and ideas. The desire to expand one's horizons should not oppress others, but be combined with an expansion of the worldview, the study of human nature and one's own spiritual development.

If you want to change your place of residence (moving to another city, country), you should consult with an astrologer, since with certain aspects in the natal chart, material or psychological difficulties arise in surviving in a foreign land.
