There is no limit to human imagination and skill. Sometimes, just wonderful crafts can be made from a simple piece of paper, and without the use of glue, stapler, scotch tape or other improvised means. How interesting it is to play with a paper boat and let it flow into streams or just streams after the rain. It looks like it is difficult, but making it as easy as shelling pears.

Step 1
For the boat, you need to take a sheet of paper, preferably A4 size. First, fold the sheet in half (across), then in half again (across again).
Step 2
Now lay it on the table with the fold up. Draw a line with a pencil so that it divides the sheet in half (across). From the top of the line (from the fold), draw a line to the left side of the sheet so that it ends just below the middle of this side (about 1-2 cm remains at the bottom). Draw a similar line to the right side. Bend the corners of the sheet again along these oblique lines.
Step 3
On the other side, raise the other corner in the same way. Again we got a "hat" and again it needs to be stretched and in those places for which we are stretching, we pull the tops to the sides. In this case, the sail of an almost finished ship will be visible from the center.
Step 4
So, below there were parts of the sheet (1-2 cm wide). Fold these strips up, with one strip of two leaves in front of the folded corners, and the other back. It turned out something like a hat. Take these strips in the center and stretch them as if you want to put them on your head.
Step 5
Pull until the opposite ends of the strips come together at the bottom. You should get a rhombus and at the same time you need to hide the ends of the strips behind each other. Now lift the corner of the rhombus (the corner at which the stripes converge) up, bending diagonally. Adjust the look of the ship along the way and the work is ready. You can run it into water.