Many people have simply heard that everything is ingenious. A. P. Chekhov said that brevity is the sister of talent. Often, success goes to those who express their thoughts more clearly. So how do you come up with simple, understandable and at the same time attractive slogans?

Write a lot
To come up with one bright and memorable slogan about a service or product, you need to write many pages. Few people manage to "come up" with a beautiful and understandable phrase the first time. Lenin, Steve Jobs - creators of simple and understandable speech formulas for the masses, wrote texts for hours, keeping all their ideas on paper.
The easiest way is to write down whatever comes to mind. This method of reflection, otherwise called "freewriting", can help you if you devote at least 10 minutes a day to this lesson. In a few days you will have enough material to create a beautiful slogan.
The slogan comes from the English to slog, which means "hit hard".
Always be on the alert
A powerful thought can come at any time, and you should be prepared to write it down, even if you are in a taxi. Even Albert Einstein said: "A bad pencil is better than any very good memory."
Vladimir Mayakovsky, who is known not only for his poems, but also for advertising speeches, wrote in his article "How to Make Poems": For a writer, a notebook is everything. " It's hard to argue with the Soviet classic.
Know what you write about
Copywriters usually do thorough research on the product they are writing about. The more you know about a product, service, or issue, the more chances you have to create a striking slogan. Any, the smallest detail can be used. So Apple's slogan about a portable Ipod player “A Thousand Songs in Your Pocket” was not made in 5 minutes of brainstorming. The apple company has a lot to learn.
According to the great advertiser David Ogilvy: "Headlines are read on average 5 times more often than body copy."
Positive words
Use words with positive emotional connotations. "Fast", "easy", "new", "right now" in your slogan allows you to grab the reader's attention and make him read your article or use the proposed service.
Money as a yardstick
Try to clearly explain to your audience what benefits your offer brings. Almost everything can be found in cash or time equivalent.
So, Google saves tens of minutes for the average person every day. Let's multiply these minutes by the average number of life days and the number of system users. Saving time is saving some part of our life from unnecessary things. The slogan might be: "Google saves 5000 lives a year."
As a rule, it is important for people to learn one truly distinctive property of a product in order to "buy" your idea. If you manage to present your idea in a bright, fresh, memorable shell, you can be congratulated on the birth of a new slogan.