You and I know that life is movement. It is more difficult to draw a person in motion than in a static pose, because you need to convey literally one moment through a drawing that occurs when a person changes a pose.

Step 1
The first thing to consider when learning to draw a moving person is emotionality in poses.
Step 2
It is advisable to first master the technique of depicting a static figure, for example, the model can stand with arms directly pressed to the body.
Step 3
In the drawing, be sure to use the so-called anchor points - fixators of the main anatomical nodes of a person, as well as the main guidelines for movement. Remember that in the process of movement in a person, the relative position of the main bones of the skeleton changes and various muscle groups contract.
Step 4
Unfortunately, our visual optical apparatus is imperfect, which, together with the psychological perception of the model, can lead to the reproduction of a human figure with false dimensions. Mechanical transfer of the dimensions visible to the eye leads to errors, especially when drawing a person from that or another angle.
Step 5
Therefore, the most important point in the drawing is the correct determination of the proportion in the ratio of body parts and their reproduction. To do this, it is necessary to correctly draw a person's figure in relation to the axis of symmetry. With any movement, the body is forced to adhere to the axis of symmetry, which always, with any movement, remains unchanged, otherwise balance will be lost, the person will fall. This feature is most visible when the body touches the ground. Making a movement, a person transfers a fulcrum, which is the lower point of the axis. The upper unchanged point of the axis is located in the so-called jugular fossa (in the lower part of the neck). In the air, the balance is naturally disturbed, and with the help of movement the figure again reaches balance.