Stick, stick, cucumber - so the little man came out. But it's not that simple. Drawing a moving person is one of the most difficult moments in the work of any artist. If you have already learned how to draw a static figure, then the rest is not so difficult. The principle of operation is the same.

Step 1
The main thing is to determine the proportions of the human body, and then draw them on the sheet. The main thing is to determine the axis of symmetry, since the human body, whatever position it occupies in space, tends to symmetry. First of all, you need to make a sketch, a schematic, skeletal image of a human figure. The main thing is that our skeleton occupies the position we need in space. After this, the person can be “dressed” and decorated.
Step 2
For training, you can purchase a wooden model of the human body. It is convenient in that it can take any given shape; you can attach fabric or clothing to it. In addition, the mannequin can "pose" for you as long as you want, accepts any position and does not have to pay money.
Step 3
Of course, drawing a person in motion requires a lot of observation and training. Watch people on the beach, playground, wherever possible. Sketch, fix, add, never stop there. Good luck to you!