The process of learning to draw begins with practicing techniques on stationary objects. Therefore, every student is waiting - not waiting for the moment when it will be possible to move from endless still lifes to the reality that surrounds us. Namely - to drawing a person in motion.

It is necessary
- - simple pencil
- - eraser
- - model
Step 1
In this case, you cannot do without live models. Only after many years of training will you be able to draw dynamics only with the help of imagination and the articulated model of a person. In the meantime, you need to attract friends who are ready to pose for you. In addition, it is possible (and very useful) to observe moving objects on the streets, in cafes, parks, etc. Even if you do not have time to draw them, then at least gradually remember the patterns of movement of the human body.
Step 2
Let's dwell on the option with the invited model. Start drawing with a motionless human figure. Build it schematically, paying particular attention to the proportions of the torso. As a measure of measurement, as a rule, the height of the head is used. The growth of the average person is seven and a half - eight "heads". Four of them go from the top of the head to the groin. From the chin to the tips of the fingers - 3, 7. The width of the shoulders of an adult man is two such measurements, and of a woman - one and a half. From the foot to the knee, two "heads" must be laid aside.
Step 3
Having marked all these distances with segments, mark with points the places of the joints, i.e. knees, hands, elbows, etc. - these are precisely the points that determine the position of body parts during movement and help the artist not to lose proportions.
Step 4
Then ask your model to move for a minute or two. For example, go to the spot. At some point, she will forget that she is posing, and the movement will become natural. This is where she must freeze.
Step 5
Transfer the position of the arms, legs, back, head to the diagram that you drew up earlier. For example, to draw an arm bent at the elbow, the position of the elbow joint must be left in the same place, and from it a segment parallel to the floor should be laid - the forearm and hand. Don't get hung up on proportions when you first sketch. The main thing here is to convey the emotion of the movement, its peculiarity. When the goal is achieved, you can refine the proportions.
Step 6
Now build on the sketchy moving man its real outlines, taking into account the peculiarities of the model's figure. After that, auxiliary construction lines can be erased.
Step 7
It's time to work on the details. With any movement, some muscles are tense, others are relaxed. Keep this in mind when you designate the shape and texture of a moving object. Also, do not forget about the clothes: characteristic folds and kinks are formed on it, it is their exact drawing that will give the whole picture believability, and the depicted movement - naturalness.