They say that life is like a zebra: the stripe is white, the stripe is black. How to avoid black bars in your life and how to attract good luck to your home?

Step 1
There are periods when things do not go well, everything falls out of hand, there are troubles at work, also physical illness, chronic fatigue, financial difficulties, and despair and a feeling of hopelessness do not leave. The question arises: how to get rid of troubles and attract good luck to the house?
Step 2
You should start with cleaning. The most common general cleaning. Start with your bathroom shelves or wardrobe. Throw away any accumulated trash. It’s hard to believe, but even in a house that is cleaned every day and the garbage is taken out every day, from time to time "jars-bottles, broken tanks" accumulate. Something needs to be taken out in the trash, some things need to be cleaned and repaired, and completely unnecessary things in good condition can be donated to charity. This applies to absolutely everything: dishes, books, clothes, household items. What you don't use is out of the house.
Simultaneously sweep and clean all hard-to-reach corners, dust. Wash all windows. Clean windows are a guarantee of good energy at home, if only because with good lighting and a good mood.
Step 3
Get in the habit of changing your bedding once a week and you will get enough sleep. Many people feel a surge of happiness from the smell of a fresh bed. In general, wash as often as possible, do not accumulate stale laundry, any dirt absorbs positive energy, and therefore, luck passes by.
Take out the trash every morning, and, if necessary, in the afternoon, but before sunset, as there is a risk of taking positive energy, and therefore good luck, out of the house along with the trash.
Step 4
Ventilate. Ventilate constantly. Let the vents always be open. But the cabinet doors and the toilet, on the contrary, should be closed, since positive energy evaporates through these "windows".
It is very useful to wash the floor with your hands at least once a week, adding three pinches of ordinary table salt to the water. Throwing salt into the water, whisper to each pinch: "From an evil eye, from an evil word, from an evil thought." In the same way, prepare the water and wipe the front door with it, making circular movements in a clockwise direction, as well as all the mirrors in the house. Wipe the window panes with the same solution. After the solution dries out, mirrors and glass should be wiped with a dry cloth until transparent.
Also, light candles at home at least once a week. These can be church wax candles, decorative candles, even handmade candles, or ordinary white candles that can be purchased at any hardware store.
Purchase and hang bells at home. The sound of bells purifies energy and attracts good luck.