How To Create A Beautiful Frame

How To Create A Beautiful Frame
How To Create A Beautiful Frame

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You can quickly create an original frame with your own hands using simple and affordable materials that are found in almost every home. A simple wooden frame with glass will serve as the basis for creativity. Take measurements off the photo, picture, or embroidery for which you plan to make a nice frame, and buy a suitable base from the store.

It is necessary

  • - finished wooden frame with glass;
  • - glue "Moment Crystal" or transparent silicone;
  • - PVA glue or hot glue gun;
  • - brushes;
  • - beads;
  • - beads;
  • - pasta;
  • - cereals;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - acrylic lacquer.


Step 1

The frame looks nontrivial, in which the decorative part captures not only the wooden base, but also runs over the glass. In order for the glass to not move and damage the picture during the use of the decorated product, it must be glued to the wooden frame.

Step 2

Disassemble the wooden frame into its constituent elements, that is, unclench the rivets and pull out the glass and backdrop. Carefully coat the bevel on a wooden base with transparent Moment Crystal glue or colorless silicone sealant. Slide the glass back into place and press down gently so that it adheres well around the entire perimeter. Check that there should be no smudges on the front side. If they appear, cut off the silicone with a blade and wipe off the glue with a cotton swab.

Step 3

Use beautiful buttons, a variety of beads and beads, shells, strings, pasta of various shapes, beans, buckwheat for the textured decoration of the frame. If you want to glue the flap of a river or seashell with the convex side outward, first glue a small paper lump from a regular napkin into its cavity. Then the elements will easily attach to the flat surface of the frame or to each other.

Step 4

Lay out the materials you want to use for your creativity on a large table. Apply them to the surface of the frame without securing. You can only decorate a corner if you work with small objects. Visually evaluate the ornament that you plan to place on your product. As long as the materials are not glued, you can move and rearrange them until, finally, you are satisfied with the result.

Step 5

Attach buttons, small pasta, beads, and other relatively large items with hot glue from a gun or clear super glue. Small items - various cereals, beads - glue on PVA.

Step 6

The created texture on the surface of the frame can be painted with acrylic paints, spray paint, varnished. In order not to stain the glass that is glued to the wooden frame, cover it with masking tape.
