What Broom To Take With You To The Bath

What Broom To Take With You To The Bath
What Broom To Take With You To The Bath

The beginning of summer is the period of collecting the first brooms and going to the bathhouse. It is known that a broom in a steam room is a universal doctor. However, such a matter must be approached wisely. After all, if you know which tree heals what, you can achieve the maximum medical effect.

Broom in the bath
Broom in the bath

The birch broom is the most popular broom. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diaphoretic and wound healing effects. It perfectly cleanses the skin, which means it quickly stops acne and cleans up pustules. In addition, a birch broom is excellent for pulmonary diseases and relieves joint pain. A birch broom can be used 1-2 times.

It is useful to steam with an oak broom for people suffering from hypertension. The tannins contained in the broom have a beneficial effect on the skin, expand pores, and remove sebaceous plugs. If the oak broom is fresh, they should be steamed immediately, without soaking. A dry broom is first kept in cold water for 10-20 minutes, then in hot water for a couple of minutes. An oak broom can be used 2-3 times.

Linden broom is an excellent remedy for colds. The scent of linden expands the bronchi, promotes the removal of phlegm. It can be used up to 3 times.

The alder broom is less popular than all of the above. It is especially effective for joint pain and aches. It has astringent and disinfectant effects.

Fir and juniper brooms secrete resinous substances that are useful for the skin and lungs. With sciatica or neuralgia, this is the most irreplaceable. In addition, the essential oils in the bark of fir have a diuretic effect. However, coniferous brooms cannot be harvested for future use. They can be used 3-4 times without drying or steaming.

Rowan and tansy brooms have a tonic effect and restore vigor to the body. A nettle broom has a similar effect. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving itching and irritation. All of these brooms can only be used once.

Cherry broom is soft and aromatic. It is best harvested from young cherry shoots in early summer. It is great for baby or irritated skin.

Experienced bath attendants prefer combined brooms for a complex effect. Feel free to experiment and find the most effective brooms for yourself. Remember that it is better to use any broom no more than 3 times.