If you feel that a "black streak" has come in your life, rather stock up on a bath broom. Many obstacles and problems are a signal that you need to clear your energy. The use of a bath broom will definitely help with this. But which broom to choose and how to steam it? It depends on what kind of problems you want to get rid of.

Before starting the bath procedures, it is important to choose the right type of broom, the composition of plants and choose the day, and it is better to assign the role of a bather to a person of the opposite sex. All rituals and prayers in the bathhouse have long been "working", because there is a strong energy.
Broom from envious people and ill-wishers
A broom made of fir, pine or juniper not only allows you to get rid of colds, relieve stress and relax, but also neutralizes the negative influence of opponents, secret enemies and ill-wishers. For the ritual of cleansing the energy from the negativity of envious people, a coniferous broom is made of pine, spruce and juniper. Before use, a coniferous broom must be steamed for a quarter of an hour in boiling water. A person begins to soar with light stroking movements, gradually moving to more intense ones.
Broom from failure and damage
If you feel that you are pursued by failures one after another, then a broom of nettle or wormwood will come to the rescue. A nettle broom, among other things, is an excellent remedy for arthritis and rheumatism. After the purification ritual, the wormwood broom is necessarily burned, since it powerfully "absorbs" all the negativity. This broom is only used for one person. The broom is also pre-steamed in boiling water and then 7 times passed through the human body.
To enhance the effect, a broom of their wormwood can be enriched with branches of St. John's wort. Such a broom can even help deal with spoilage. After any ritual, the broom is burned.
Broom for money
If there is a fear of running out of money, then go to the bathhouse with a special broom made of St. John's wort and mint. Prepare herbs in equal proportions, divide into 2 equal parts and tie two brooms. The procedure for steaming with such a broom is special: the first broom of mint and St. John's wort is steamed in boiling water for infusion, the second broom is used to treat the body. The infusion of aromatic herbs obtained from the first broom rinses the body, mentally imagining how all fears and problems due to money are washed away. Brooms are not reused, after steaming they must be thrown away
Broom from quarrels
If the family is not right, you need to tie a broom of mountain ash and birch branches. Pre-steam the broom with boiling water, and go into the steam room to read the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and steam properly, starting with light strokes. After that, you should rinse yourself, and the problems in the family will soon begin to be solved.