The usefulness of origami in the study of geometry by children was proved by Friedrich Froebel, the first founder of the kindergarten. The art of origami contributes to the development of motor skills, logical thinking and subject memory in children. There are 29 steps to making a boar toy to help your child develop all of these qualities.

How to make a boar out of paper
1. For manufacturing, you need two identical sheets of paper. We take the first sheet and outline its middle.
2. Bend the left and right sides to the middle.
3. Find the middle of the resulting rectangle.
4. Bend the top side to the middle.
5. Pull on the corners that are inside the workpiece.
6. Bend the lower left and lower right corners towards the center.
7. Pull on the corners inside the part.
8. Make a zigzag fold.
9. Fold the two corners down.
10. Bend the workpiece along the centerline.
11. Press the corners inward.
12. Make small folds by pushing the bottom corner inward.
13. Work out the boar's front legs by bending the left corner in a zigzag pattern.
14. Fold along the dotted line.
15. The front part of the torso is completed.

16. On the second sheet of paper, perform steps 1 through 5.
21. Make zigzag folds on the dotted triangle.
22. Bend the outer sides towards the center.
23. Bend the top side away from you.
24. Bend the bottom of the part up.
25. Bend along the center line.
26. Make the hind legs of the wild boar by bending the folds in a zigzag fashion.
27. Fold the corners up.
28. Make a boar tail as shown in pictures A, B, C.
29. Insert the boar's front torso into its hindquarters. The paper boar is ready.