The blues that emerged in the early 20s of the last century does not leave anyone indifferent in our time. The blues was formed from such ethnic musical trends of black African-American society as "work song", "Spirituals" and cholera (English Holler). In many ways, he also influenced contemporary popular music. Many guitarists try to imitate famous bluesmen, some master this instrument only in order to learn how to play the blues. But for this you need to train long and hard in the game, learn a lot of techniques. However, as you know, you need to start small.

It is necessary
Step 1
Let's get to the basics of playing the blues. You can play it in various keys, let's start with E major. The melodic base of the blues is the "blues scale", which consists of five notes - the pentatonic scale. Here are the notes we'll be using: E, G, A, B, and D. We play the scale mi, salt, la, si, re, si, la, sol, mi. We do vibrato on the last note of E. The technology is simple and straightforward, after training you can perform this scale with any speed and intonation. The most important point here is improvisation. By simply changing the scale, you can hardly shine with your blues. Try to complicate the type of enumeration in every possible way, add new notes, change octaves, use different keys. You can use the "pull-up" technique especially on high positions (frets closer to the body of the guitar) and guitars with metal strings (you can't pull much on nylon).

Step 2
The second step in playing blues is the importance of improvisation. Build melodic waves and repeat them several times, changing notes or rhythm. Use vibrato and pull-up techniques as often as possible. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes. If you accidentally hit the wrong note, try playing it several times, as if it should be in your composition. When playing scales, try to hum some tune. It can be either invented or already known to everyone. Sometimes humming your own tune can make some pretty good music. Blues songs are particularly melancholy and sad. Therefore, feel free to hum something sad, some troubles in life. In addition, this will allow you to treat them more cheerfully, so to speak, "with a song." Try to listen to bluesmen more often, and improvise to their music, or to their manner of playing, you can combine the manner of playing of several musicians. Learn and practice wonderful blues - one of the most wonderful and interesting genres.