The blues rhythm is based on the pentatonic scale, a scale of five notes without the second and sixth steps. The easiest way to get started with the blues is by learning the A minor pentatonic scale on which many tunes are built.

Step 1
The pentatonic scale in Am is played from the 5th fret of the 6th string to the 5th fret of the 1st string. It is most convenient to play blues melodies with a slider (a metal pipe that you put on your finger), it gives the produced sound a characteristic "sliding" character. Play this mode to feel its tone, after which the simplest and, at the same time, the most difficult thing begins - improvisation. Try to play as the hand will fall without thinking about what to play.
Step 2
The second step is to work with the accompaniment. Play a recording you want to improvise to, or have someone play along with you. One of the possible melodies for practicing blues performance looks like this: the fifth chord of A for two measures, then one measure for D, then again for A. One measure of Mi and Re, then again two measures of A. Then everything repeats itself. In A minor pentatonic scale it is interesting to improvise with such accompaniment. Repeat a small tune (for example, one measure in length) throughout your performance. When the chords change, the piece will acquire a characteristic blues flavor.
Step 3
All recommendations and lessons are rather arbitrary. Many blues masters did not know musical notation at all, which did not prevent them from creating masterpieces. So if you don't have a jazz college or even a music school behind you, don't despair! Practice more and listen to good music more, then you will be able to fulfill the main task of a musician - to express emotions through sounds.