The fields of application for polymer clay, which is better known as plastic, are very extensive. It can be used to make home decorations, dolls, bijoux and accessories. Plastic is baked and self-hardening. It is with baked plastic that novice craftswomen have many problems.

Step 1
Baked polymer clay acquires its main performance properties, hardness and elasticity, as a result of thermal action. In order for the polymerization process to go through correctly, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the packaging.
Step 2
Most types of plastic are fired in a special oven at a temperature of no more than 130 degrees. If you do not bake the product, it will be fragile, if overheated, it will darken and begin to give off an unpleasant odor.
Step 3
To avoid such consequences, purchase a thermometer from the home appliances department designed for use in household gas and electric stoves. If you cannot find such a device, pay attention to the thermometers for saunas and baths on a wooden substrate. Without a thermometer at hand, adjust the temperature experimentally by baking pieces of waste plastic.
Step 4
You will also need a special stove, since polymer clay releases harmful substances during the firing process. If it is not possible to buy a separate stove, then thoroughly wash the oven after each firing. In the microwave oven, you can only bake clay, which has a special designation on the package.
Step 5
The baking method will depend on the shape of the baked product. The beads can be placed on toothpicks, which, in turn, must be stuck into a crumpled piece of foil. A flat product (pendant, medallion) can be fired on glass or on a sheet of plywood wrapped in foil. Beads without holes can be baked by spreading them out on cotton wool. Do not try to take a synthetic winterizer, as it will melt in the stove. Another way to bake beads is on a paper folded accordion.
Step 6
The products are placed in a cold oven, but the baking time should be counted from the moment when the oven heats up to the desired temperature. If you want the translucent plastic to become more transparent and flexible, then immediately immerse the items in cold water from the oven.