How To Draw An Iris

How To Draw An Iris
How To Draw An Iris

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Flowers are one of the most beautiful pieces of art created by nature, and it is not surprising that they have long been the subject of inspiration for many artists. You can draw flowers in different techniques, but painted in watercolors look especially beautiful on canvas. Thanks to their transparency and airiness, such painted flowers look realistic and lively. In the technique of painting with watercolors, you can depict irises, beloved by many.

How to draw an iris
How to draw an iris


Step 1

Take a thin pencil and on watercolor paper draw the main outlines of the irises, focusing on a photograph or a real bouquet - it is best to draw from life to realistically copy the outlines of the petals and their location.

Step 2

When the outlines are ready, take some watercolors on the brush and paint over the top sheet with a light blue tint, and then paint with blue watercolor the middle line of the petal and its darkened folds. Dark watercolors will blend with light ones to create beautiful transitions.

Step 3

Continue painting the remaining petals with a light blue color, shading the desired areas with a rich blue watercolor. When the top petals are colored, move on to painting over the petals hanging down.

Step 4

Dampen the brush in water and dampen the paper, covering the lower petals with a bluish tint, and then sketch out the outlines of the petals with light blue stripes. Paint in dark blue watercolor on a thin brush and paint on the shadows from the wet painting. Add some greenish shadows for realism.

Step 5

Next to the previous iris, draw another one - you can make it yellow-brown for variety. Dampen the drawing area with a damp brush, then brush in yellow watercolor and paint the petals over the wet paper.

Step 6

To darken the edges of the petals, brush a small amount of ocher, and also paint with a thin brush in light brown shadows, drawing lines that curl in random order. Dry the drawing and draw new lines with brown watercolor on top of the dry paint, then paint the top petals with ocher and yellow paint.

Step 7

Paint the inside of the flower with a richer, darker brown to show that this area is shaded more. Add the leaves and stem to the flower by mixing green watercolor with ocher.
