Everyone knows the sign of a broken mirror - it does not bode well, and if you also see your reflection in the fragments, then you will not be able to avoid big troubles. However, other signs are associated with this piece of furniture.

It is believed that a mirror is capable of not only reflecting, but also absorbing various energies. That is why you should not buy old versions, because it is not known who they belonged to before and what kind of biofield they have. To avoid problems, it is best to purchase a new mirror.
In Russia, it was believed that a person who broke a mirror had a serious illness or even death in front of him. Now more and more often you can hear about 7 years of misfortunes. But all the trouble can be avoided if the shards are properly thrown away. Firstly, in no case should you look in them, otherwise the energy of a person can be taken over by otherworldly forces. Secondly, it is better not to touch them with your hands, but to use gloves. Sorcerers also advise, before throwing out a broken mirror, paint it with black paint.
Another sign is to hang mirrors if someone died in the house. This will help the soul of the deceased to calm down and not get lost in the mirror space. You should not come up and look in the mirror at night - this will attract otherworldly forces, especially on a full moon.
And if something unpleasant or terrible has happened in the house, the mirror must be wiped with salt or holy water to clean the mirror surface. Then it will not absorb negative energy and will not create problems for the residents of the house.
To keep the mirror from getting in trouble, you need to choose the right place for it. It cannot be hung next to the bed, if the sleeping person is reflected, serious illnesses will befall him. Also, you cannot place this piece of furniture in the kitchen and in the corners, in the bathroom it is possible only if the washing person will not be reflected in it. A small round mirror lying in a purse will bring happiness and good luck to its owner. Another good omen is to hide a small mirror in the room where the sick person sleeps. He will recover soon.
You should not show the baby his reflection, this will lead to a delay in development and late appearance of speech. And two girls or guys cannot look in the same mirror at the same time - they will soon become rivals.
Mirrors can bring a lot of trouble to a person, but if this piece of furniture is positioned correctly, there will be harmony, prosperity and love in the house.