The Russian traditional matryoshka doll is known all over the world. When making it, it is very important to correctly write the face, which is the main formative element in creating the image of a matryoshka.

It is necessary
- - fine-grained sandpaper;
- - tempera paints;
- - brushes;
- - water;
- - a simple pencil;
- - acrylic lacquer.
Step 1
Thoroughly sand the workpiece with a fine-grained emery paper to remove small dents and scratches from the surface. If there is deeper damage, prime it with a special primer, glue or thickly diluted tempera.
Step 2
Sketch a few sketches of the matryoshka's face on paper. You can spy on them on postcards or in children's illustrated books. Practice drawing the face on paper to make it easier on the workpiece. To reinforce your face painting lesson, paint on a wooden cutting board. This will allow you to get acquainted with the properties of paints, brushes and varnishes.
Step 3
Since natural wood darkens even under several layers of varnish, prime the part of the upper part of the workpiece where the matryoshka's face will be located with titanium white. It is necessary to apply four coats of primer, with each subsequent coat at intervals of 15 minutes, so that the previous one has time to dry.
Step 4
On the primed part, draw the face of the matryoshka with a pencil. On top of it, apply liquid diluted white to secure the pencil. Otherwise, the pattern will be erased or the background will be stained.
Step 5
Color the eyes. For a deep blue iris, mix cobalt blue with a little white tempera. Draw two small, even circles and use a # 0 or # 1 brush to draw in a black outline.
Step 6
Place a black dot in the exact center of the iris - the pupil. Use white tempera for highlights on the pupils, and pale blue on the iris. Draw light beige eyelids above the eyes.
Step 7
Make your eyebrows with burnt sienna or umber, and your nose with sienna diluted with whitewash. Write a smiling mouth with cadmium red and make a pale pink highlights on it.
Step 8
Delicately outline the oval of the face with cadmium mixed with whitewash until it becomes pink. Then apply a light blush with very thin pink paint with light brush strokes. Use the thinnest brush to paint the eyelashes with black paint. Secure the design with a thin layer of acrylic varnish.