How To Draw A Deer

How To Draw A Deer
How To Draw A Deer

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The deer is a beautiful and noble animal, and its drawing will delight any artist. If you are an aspiring artist, and just started to master the art of painting or graphics, drawing a deer will allow you to hone the technique of drawing living creatures with a pencil and improve your skills. In this article, we will introduce you to a step-by-step method for drawing a deer with a pencil on paper.

How to draw a deer
How to draw a deer


Step 1

Find a clear and close-up photo of a deer head and make it black and white using any image editor. On a black-and-white copy of your photo, draw a medium-sized, equal-sized grid. The grid will help you navigate the drawing and find the places where you started and where you ended this or that fragment.

Step 2

Find a starting point for drawing that will help you understand if the drawing will fit on the paper (usually the top of the shape you are drawing). Transfer the measurements of the grid and the grid itself to the drawing paper and determine where you start drawing.

Step 3

Start depicting a deer by drawing its left eye at a predetermined point on your sheet of paper. Focus on the corresponding grid cell and try to redraw in detail what is shown in it.

Step 4

Measure the distance from the left eye to the right on the grid, draw the same distance on your paper and continue drawing the second eye. The grid cell on the paper should match the grid on the original.

Step 5

Having drawn the eyes, proceed to drawing the general outline of the head and ears of the deer. Draw the ears, crown, elongated muzzle and nose. Try to completely copy the elements of the photo in the corresponding cells of your grid. Define the silhouette of the body, add light shadows and the shapes of spots that color the ears and fur of the deer.

Step 6

Continue painting the shadows - make them richer. Sketch the eyes with black pencil, leaving light white highlights. Referring to the original, add shading to dark and light areas to your deer, giving the drawing more volume and realism.

Step 7

Blend shadows around the eyes and nose. Where light spots are required, go over too dark shadows with a sharply cut eraser tip.

Step 8

Shade, add highlights, shade the sharp transitions of the picture, until the deer in your picture becomes as similar as possible to its prototype in the photo. When you finish applying the shadows and texture of the coat, add a few strokes - mustache, eyebrows, separately visible hairs of the coat. Your drawing is ready.
