How To Draw A Reindeer

How To Draw A Reindeer
How To Draw A Reindeer

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A picture of a reindeer can decorate your New Year card. These noble animals harnessed to the sleigh of Santa Claus or Santa Claus are one of the symbols of the upcoming holiday.

How to draw a reindeer
How to draw a reindeer

It is necessary

A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, materials for working in color, images of a reindeer


Step 1

Prepare a piece of paper or a blank card. Use a simple pencil to sketch the shape of a reindeer lightly. To do this, find his image on the Internet and select the one you like the most.

Step 2

Start the detailed drawing with the animal's torso. To do this, draw two small circles a short distance apart. Draw lines for the front and hind legs of the animal from the first and second circles, respectively. Pay attention to how the limbs are located in the drawing (photo), and set this direction in your work. Then draw the head - a small circle located above the first circle of the torso (in front). Connect these two circles with a line - the future neck. Outline the horns and tail.

Step 3

Next, start "building up" the resulting "skeleton", adhering to the image in the picture or modeling your own creation. Connect the two circles of the torso together, forming the back and abdomen (both arcs should be directed with a depression downward). Build up your neck. Behind it will be flatter, in front - it smoothly flows into the chest of the animal. Draw the limbs, they are almost the same as the horse's, if you've ever drawn it.

Step 4

"Build up" the deer's head by drawing a small rectangular muzzle, and then, specifying its details - nostrils, mouth, small eyes, neat ears. Pay attention to the structure of the antlers of the reindeer, to their branching. Try to convey it in your drawing. Reindeer, like a New Year's fabulous creature, can have more branched antlers, with different curls - dream up if you wish.

Step 5

Outline the animal's fur hanging from the chest, draw the hooves and a small tail, which can be either raised or lowered - at your discretion. Erase all the auxiliary lines with an eraser, clarify, if necessary, any details and you can start working in color

Step 6

Materials for work in color can be any - paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons and so on. Start painting the animal from above, gradually going down. Pay attention to the coat, with strokes (strokes) make it more wavy or shaggy. Work on the horns of the animal, make those details that are closer to you brighter and clearer. The drawing is ready.
