How To Knit A Sweater For A Child

How To Knit A Sweater For A Child
How To Knit A Sweater For A Child

Table of contents:


On cool days, any wind can easily bring a cold. Therefore, willingly or unwillingly, every mother, on the eve of autumn, thinks about warm clothes for her baby. A beautiful and most importantly comfortable sweater can be knitted by yourself Knit it from natural merino or alpaca wool or acrylic yarn, and no cold will frighten your child.

How to knit a sweater for a child
How to knit a sweater for a child

It is necessary

250 g fine acrylic yarn, knitting needles # 4 and # 5, darning needle, 3 matching buttons


Step 1

Before you start knitting, build a pattern for the future sweater (having a pattern at hand, it will be easier for you to make increases and decreases in the necessary places). Then knit a 10 x 10 cm swatch to determine the knitting density. The thicker the yarn, the fewer stitches you will have to cast. The number of loops given for the sample is calculated for knitting a sweater for a 2 year old child.

Step 2

Cast on 55 sts on knitting needles # 4 and tie 3 cm with 1x1 elastic. To do this, knit alternately one front and one purl, in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern. Next, go to knitting needles # 5 and continue knitting with a fancy pattern (note that the pattern repeat must be a multiple of the number of loops in the fabric). At the same time, add 7 loops in the first row. After knitting 23 cm from the elastic, mark with a thread of a contrasting color on the armholes on both sides and continue to knit straight. At a total height of 39-40 cm, bind off 20 sts for right shoulder and 22 sts for neckline, and the remaining 20 sts for left shoulder. The sweater is very difficult to put on a child over the head, therefore, make a fastener on the left shoulder. To do this, continue to knit with an elastic band for four rows and close according to the pattern. Thus, you get a fastener bar.

Step 3

Before knit in the same way as the back. At a height of 33 cm from the beginning of knitting, close the central four loops for the neckline, then on either side of them in every second row two times, three loops, two loops and one loop. At a total height of 39-40 cm, close 20 loops each for the right shoulder, and on the left shoulder, knit four rows with a 1x1 elastic band for the plank.

Step 4

Next, proceed to the sleeves. On needles # 4, cast on 35 loops and tie 3 cm with 1x1 elastic. then continue knitting with number 5 needles in the same pattern as knitting back and before. Add 7 stitches evenly in the first row (you should have 42 stitches). In each 14th row, add one loop 3 times, for a total of 48 loops. Finish knitting at a total height of 24 cm.

Step 5

Sew the right shoulder seam. Then along the edge of the neckline, including the edges of the strings of the left shoulder, lift 77 loops on the needles No. 4 and knit 4 rows with a 1x1 elastic band and two rows with a hollow elastic band: knit it with a 1x1 elastic band, while in the front and back rows, knit the front loops, and remove the purl leaving the thread before work. This way you get a very elastic band. Close all stitches with a darning needle.

Step 6

Sew the seams on the sleeves and sew them into the armholes, applying the tape of the left shoulder of the front to the tape of the back. Sew side seams. Make 3 button holes on the front shoulder tape (overcast 1 buttonhole). Place the first and third holes about 1 cm from each edge, and the second between them. Sew on the buttons.

Step 7

The sweater is ready. Now moisten it, lay it out on a flat surface and let it dry.
