Rose is a garden plant, the ancestor of which is the wild rose hip. The very name - rose - unites and summarizes the work of many generations of gardeners and breeders. From the works of the ancients, it is known that roses were grown in the gardens of the rulers of Mesopotamia, and then Rome, several centuries before our era. Several thousand varieties of these plants are now known. But breeders, following, apparently, the principle "there is no limit to perfection" are breeding all the new hybrids and varieties. Today, growing a regal beauty in your garden is a matter of prestige for almost every amateur gardener.

General principles of planting roses
Rose is a heat-loving and light-loving plant. Therefore, a landing site should be allocated in the eastern or southeastern part of the site. It is best to plant roses in the spring before the buds bloom. By this time, the earth should warm up well. It is undesirable to plant in the fall - the bush may not have time to take root.
Examine the ground and underground parts of the plant. Remove damaged and dry roots and weak shoots. Shorten the strong and medium ones, leaving 3 to 6 lower buds.
Prepare the soil for planting in advance. Apply organic and any complex mineral fertilizer. There are many of them on sale now, it will not be difficult to find what you need. The best organic matter, in this case, is manure. Mineral fertilizers should be applied no more than 15-20 g per bush. "Overdose" is undesirable, since it can provoke the cessation of flowering and excessive build-up of green mass.
Dig a spacious hole with a diameter of about one and a half and a depth of 1, 2 m. First, lay the drainage (crushed stone, expanded clay, branches), then a layer of soil mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers. The distance between the bushes should be about 1-1.5 m, and for climbing roses - 2 m. The minimum interval for planting miniature roses is 0.6-0.7 m. All preparatory activities are best done in autumn. An important point: the grafting site should be covered with a layer of soil about 6-7 cm thick. After planting, water the bush abundantly and compact the earth around it.
Obligatory care
Mandatory care for roses includes weeding, loosening, watering, feeding and pruning the bushes and ensures their normal development. In the warm season, roses are fed twice - in the spring before the buds appear and in the middle of summer before flowering. Plants are not fed in autumn. This helps to prevent untimely emergence of young shoots. Organic matter is applied in early spring 1 time in 2-3 years.
Roses are watered once a week in the morning or evening. Abundant watering is also necessary in early spring before the buds awaken. An obligatory component of care is frequent loosening, which ensures free access of oxygen to the roots of the plant.
Bushes are pruned in early spring. Old and dry and diseased stems and growths formed below the grafting site are removed. Otherwise, the bush will begin to degenerate. If wintering was difficult, the shoot is pruned, leaving only 2-3 lower buds - this is the so-called strong pruning, contributing to the early renewal of the plant. All wounds and injuries are covered with garden varnish.
Roses are covered for the winter. The best time for this is the beginning of November. Early warming of bushes can lead to revival of already dormant roots and death of the plant from frost. Roses should also not be wrapped excessively - this can lead to damping of the roots. Peat is considered the best shelter; in extreme cases, you can just do with loose earth. It should be poured in a slide, increasing the layer as it gets colder to 10-15 cm. Lapnik and branches should not be used. All covering material is removed in the 3rd decade of March.
Roses are susceptible to various fungal diseases and can be affected by pests. Fortunately for gardeners, purchasing special protective equipment is not a problem today. They are sold freely in specialized stores. During the summer period, it is necessary to do 3-4 spraying of rose bushes with drugs that protect them from diseases and garden pests.